
Hello! Welcome to my domain, fags.men. This domain is owned by t3d.uk. I think you will have a few questions about this domain, so let's answer them!

Why is this domain homophobic?

I get this question quite a lot. The simple answer is that I am British and in Britain fags are slang for cigarettes. I can understand why some people think I am saying fags, which some dictionaries in the United States define it as 'a gay man'. Also, the origin of the word fag, when describing a cigarettes, was first used back in the 19th century. The other way the word can be used was in the 1920s. At the bottom of this page I have linked some useful wikipedia and dictionary links if you would like to learn more.

What is the domain used for?

I use this domain as a content delivery network. I use Cloudflare R2 for object storage, which is great if you want to upload images using ShareX and immediately, within milliseconds, be able to share a link. This means your computer doesn't have to stored hundreds of screenshots, they are all available forever in the cloud, and for some websites and social media platforms where sharing attachments isn't allowed, sending the link is extremely helpful. Sadly, as I start to use Mac more and more for development I have yet to find a replacement for ShareX for Mac.

Will you ever get rid of the domain?

Similar to milk.com, I will never sell this domain. I will always keep it and use it for something. It was dirt cheap, about four quid, it's short, and it's memorable. I will always keep it.

What is the point of this website?

Hundreds ask me about this domain, some people even think I am homophobic. I made this website to answer all of your questions. I hope you have a great day!

Am I homophonic or gay?

Neither. I support the LGBTQIA+ community, while I still identify as a straight British male with he/him pronouns.

Useful Links

History of Homosexuality Dictionary

Created with ❤️ && ☕️ by t3d.uk